The beginning of my next chapter…

Isn’t it ironic that the one thing I was doing to make my anxiety better, suddenly became the thing I was most anxious about. Sharing my story for the first time to the world last night was a daunting task. Pressing the button to make Miss Mimi’s Kitchen go live, filled me with the oh so familiar feelings of fear and dread. However, I knew that this would be the best thing I have EVER done.

So, with sweaty palms, I gave my web designer Tom the all clear and…BOOM…it was done! A few painful minutes later the messages from friends, family and even people I didn’t know, started flying in. Some saying how proud they were of me and some how grateful they were for me sharing my story. One even said just three simple words “You inspire me”. I knew then that I had made the right decision.

So… here I am…sitting in my house alone on a Tuesday morning, raising a large cup of coffee to myself, knowing that I’ve done it! I am now proud to be a sufferer. I am proud to be a fighter. But most importantly I am proud to be stronger this morning than I have ever been!

Here in ‘Thoughts’ is where I’m going to write the resources that have helped me through the worst of times and those that still do. Be it the mental health books I’ve read, the albums I’ve listened to, or even the people I have met along the way that dedicate their lives to making other people happy again. There are so many resources that have made every day that little bit easier, and I am hoping to share both mine and other people’s with you all. I will take this opportunity now, however, to say I am not a writer nor am I a trained professional. I am a 25-year-old girl writing about real life, so I apologise if it’s not up to scratch.

I will also be telling other people’s stories on Miss Mimi’s Kitchen. This is NOT going to be all about me (as my god that would be dull) but the many others who have gone through similar difficulties. I am doing this because I want to prove that you are never alone.

With all my love,

Miss Mimi x

Mimi McMullen