Books to believe in…

I cannot even begin to describe how much these few books have helped me in the last couple of years. One, in particular, was recommended to me by a friend about two months ago, and now it goes everywhere with me ‘Breaking Mad: The Insider’s Guide to Conquering Anxiety’ by Anna Williamson. My absolute fave! The way the author and her doctor friend (Dr. Reetta Newell) have put the book together allows you to find the humour in mental health, as well as being sensitive towards what you may be going through. It has different chapters you can turn to depending on how you are feeling at that time, such as ‘Social Anxiety’ or “Sleep Panic”.

I find myself turning to the social anxiety chapter often since letting Miss Mimi’s Kitchen go live. I have felt since doing so, that all my cards are on the table. It has changed my outlook on talking to people I may not have seen in a while. I am very open about talking about my mental health, and have been for a while, however, now that I don’t have the option on who I tell is a little terrifying. I am in no means saying it is a bad thing, but it is definitely something I am going to have to get used to.

Another fantastic book is ‘Reasons To Stay Alive’ by Matt Haig. This is a feel good book that encourages you to have a more positive outloook on life. It is beautifully written too. Everyone I have recommended this book to has not only said that it is a good book for those with anxiety, but actually a book everyone should read. It’s almost like those motivational quote accounts you can find on instagram. The ones you read, and you feel like it was written for you at that very moment. I’m a real sucker for a good quote. One I almost tragically had tattoed on my foot on my travels was A.A Milne’s

“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.” Anton Chekhov

In these winter months it is very easy to think one can get away with eating all the things that are bad for you. But let me tell you, that this is not the case.

This is the time of year we need to be looking after our bodies the most. As our enthusiasm for life runs down, so does our enthusiasm for cooking and healthy living. But trust me…your immune system is running down too. It is time to shove in as many fruits and vegetables as possible, ensuring we are getting all the vitamins and nutrients we need, to fight off the predictable winter colds.

I, unlike most bloggers these days, am not saying put the heaped tablespoon of clotted cream down, and neither am I saying don’t eat a bar of chocolate in front of Grey’s Anatomy on a Thursday night. What I am saying is don’t give up entirely. Go for long walks, cook up a hearty veggie soup, mash that banana into your porridge and keep those energy levels up!

So…eat more, do more, talk more, live more. You’ll regret it if you don’t.

With all my love,

Miss Mimi x

Mimi McMullen